Friday, September 12, 2014

Hair Today, Murdered Tomorrow

I haven't cut my hair more than a couple inches since I was 18 years old. Considering I'm going to be 31 in a few months, I figured it was time for a change. And by change, I mean someone cute asked me if I ever had short hair and I thought, "No way that could be a bad idea!"

So I chopped it. And then I kept the remnants of my former, Disney Princess ginger curls. Which, according to many of my friends, is weird. Sure, I've been keeping it under my pillow, but I figured it was a tooth fairy kind of situation and I'd definitely get a prize. Like Mike & Ikes (yum).

I realized, though, that there are people out there who are even creepier than me and they weren't blessed with the joy of being a fire crotch, so why not share the coppery love? So I did what any rational adult would do: I made a Craigslist ad so I can sell it. Hooray! As the inquiries continue pouring in, I will update with the shenanigans of negotiating with the Gingerphiliacs. While this could be the intro into my own Dateline episode, I have a good feeling about it.  Read it below or Check out the ad on Craigslist!