Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gattacca Baby Sees the Psychiatrist

I just received this email from the egg donation agency:

Dear Anna:

The potential parents have an option to have a psych evaluation done for their donor and they have opted to do this. It will not take long and will most likely take place on the same day of your initial physical exam.

xxxx xxxxxx
Premium Egg Donation, Inc.

Now, since I received this, I’ve been trying to figure out for what reason I would be asked to take this psychological evaluation. Is it to evaluate what level of bat shit insane their future child may acquire? Or perhaps they just want to know if all the crazy ass hormones they’re going to invade my already ridiculous mind with will make me feel like personally tearing out my ovaries to give them is a much more effective way to present them with my little baby machines.

What if I just decide to start crying and masturbating in the middle of my evaluation when they ask me how my relationship with my father is? What if I just started screeching at the doctor with raptor sounds? That’s how I say “No” when people ask me on a date and I’m sure it’d work just as appropriately with a psychiatrist. See, I feel like I’m being set up for failure, because these are the questions that flood my nonsensical mind because I can only think of the doctor’s face when I tell him I bathe in Chef Boyardee ravioli and want to have Tim Allen’s baby.

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